Statement of Faith
That we might have unity among us, and that we all speak the same thing as regards the
foundation of our faith, and that with integrity we present our witness of Yeshua the Messiah as
those who walk in His light, let it be hereby established that Dumaguete Messianic Fellowship
holds that... 1. All Scripture is given by the Breath/Spirit of Elohim [God], and is to be used for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. 2. Hear, O Israel: YHVH [the L-RD] is our Elohim. He is One YHVH. He alone is YHVH.
Deuteronomy 6:4. 3. The nature of YHVH is a compound unity expressed in the aspects of Abba [the Father],
Yeshua [Salvation, the Son, Messiah] and Ruach HaKodesh [the Holy Spirit/Breath] in this age.
Matthew 28:19. 4. YHVH and His Word are eternal, that is: He, His Word and His Will has always, and will
always, be the same. Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Matthew 5:18; 24:35. 5. The Shabbat [Sabbath], the seventh day of the week, is the created holy day of YHVH,
which He gave to mankind and covenanted with His people as a sign forever. Exodus 31:16,
Genesis 2:2-3, Isaiah 58:13-14, Matthew 12:8. 6. Yeshua of Natzeret is the Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world, the King of kings and
Lord of lords. He is YHVH who appeared among mankind in the flesh, and now is glorified with
all power in Heaven and in Earth, at the right hand of Abba. John 1:12-14. 7. Messiah Yeshua is the ultimate and final Passover Lamb required for the removal of sins.
He died by execution stake (stagion) on a tree (xulon) and rose from the dead three days
afterward. Everyone who repents of their sins, and trusts that Yeshua is the Messiah, who died
as our Passover Lamb and rose again, they are forgiven their sins and come into a renewed
covenant with YHVH through Him, and therefore become inheritors of all the promises YHVH
made with Abraham and Israel. Isaiah 53, Romans 10:9-11, 1 Corinthians 5:7. 8. The Brit Chadashah [Renewed Covenant] in Messiah Yeshua brings with it a new
creation of the human spirit. The Torah [Law/Teaching] of YHVH is planted inside so that Ruach
HaKodesh may indwell there. An external immersion in water (mikveh) is performed to declare
that this has taken place. Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ezekiel 39:29. 9. The various enablements (gifts) of Ruach HaKodesh are given with authority to all those
who ask YHVH and obey His commandments. The Promise of Abba, an extra enduement of
power and boldness for witnessing, is an immersion (spiritual mikveh) by Ruach HaKodesh, as
initially was evidenced with speaking in other languages. Each follower should seek to be filled
with the various enablements of the Ruach, who gives them as He wishes. Isaiah 28:11-12,
Luke 11:13, Acts 1:4-5; 2:4; 5: 32, 1 Cor 12: 1-13, Eph 1:13. 10. The people of YHVH are a holy Miqra [Called Out/Ekklesia] congregation, which is not of
the world, in order to gather and celebrate Him at His appointed holy Feasts, and to shine as
lights of truth in the darkness, and to be a royal priesthood which praises His Name. Exodus
19:6, Leviticus 23, Matthew 16:18, 1 Peter 2:9. 11. The goals of the people of YHVH are:
- to be followers of Yeshua the Messiah, until we mature into the example He left us.
Ephesians 4:13.
- to be holy (separate from the world) as our Abba is holy. Therefore, we are to learn and
act on those things which makes us holy in His sight. Leviticus 11:44-45, Ephesians 5:27.
- to be righteous (right decision making) and godly (forgiving) in this world. Titus 2:12.
- to be clean, first in our conscious inner man, and then also in our outward walk
accordingly as we grow in the Ruach [Spirit] and understanding of the Word. Psalm 51:10, 1
Thessalonians 4:7.
- to be full of love for one another, thus proving we are Yeshua's disciples; and caring for a
lost world, to bring the message of the Good News of Yeshua to the Jew first and also to the
Gentiles. John 13:34-35, Romans 1:16.
- The promise of a continually faithful trust in Yeshua, while walking according to the will of
Elohim, is resurrection from the dead, eternal life and ruling with Yeshua forever in the place
where His Kingdom will rule. He will yet rule in Jerusalem/Zion, and finally in New Jerusalem in
the New Creation forever. Revelation 19-22.
- Yeshua will judge all mankind of all acts and words ever committed. He will decide the
sentence for punishment, and all those not meeting His standard will be sent away from His
presence, into outer darkness and eternal punishment for their sins. Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation
- The final plan for the Israel of G-d is to bring the remnant of the faithful Jewish people, and
the remnant of those believers who were formerly Gentiles, but recovered from the world by
faith, back together and united into one holy people under one Shepherd, namely Yeshua, the
Messiah, thus completing the tearing down of the wall of partition. This is a necessary part of
the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets. Hosea 1-2, John 17, Romans 9:26,
Ephesians 2, Acts 3:21.
Kenneth Gallaher
P.O. Box 172 Dumaguete City 6200
Negros Oriental, Philippines
Phone 09174309602